Trying to get back into my run-commuting properly.
All posts for the month October, 2016
Lots of niggling little injuries and my duff knee is playing up at the moment, so I decided to bite the bullet and finally swap my very old work shoes for proper running shoes – oh the lack of style! – to try to limit the damage being done: last week I walked 49km apparently. So I’ve deided that for these more organised walks – walking to and from work if it’s not raining – I’d use the Garmin and and some new all black Nike Free RNs so I could record the mileage and monitor the life of the shoes to change them at probably 640km rather than the 480km of my running shoes. I almost certainly won’t bother with ‘full’ updates like these for the walks though!
Over a month since my last run and still nursing some niggling injuries, so I stopped the run short. Lost two pounds since before my last holiday which is positive as we overate in Malta 🙂
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