Very windy tonight, but the rain held off until I was nearly home.
Finally back running after working and staying away. This one was hard plus I’ve gained 3lbs from hotel meals and catered lunches at our Client’s offices.
After a couple of treadmill runs, it was good to get back to my run-commute apart from having to stop for tourists…
Cheeky 5k in the hotel’s gym as it was too dark to dare some cross-country stuff on my preferred outdoor run.
Pissing down with rain and pitch black outside to even find the 1 mile trail around the hotel, so I made do with a hot and sweaty treadmill run.
Well Autumn is here now: a cold run in the dusk but not bad at all.
For some reason, this was slightly longer but easier tonight. Maybe it was the thought of a Papa John’s pizza that did it?
First run-commute after Berlin and the nights are starting to draw in. Too warm as I was expecting rain so I was wearing a rain jacket and it was mild.
Still quite stiff with a couple of dodgy/painful toenails after the weekend’s Berlin Marathon, but running along the High Line was the highlight.
Well that was very much a voyage into the unknown and whilst they measured my time with a calendar, I was pleased to finish.