
So despite suffering with Achilles Tendonitis in my right heel (brought on no doubt my tight muscles and over-compensating for the left calf) and having only rested for a fortnight – not counting a 20 mile bike ride – I had to man up and take part on the London Winter Run in aid of Cancer Research UK on Sunday.

It was a bitterly cold day and because we didn’t want to have to drop off and collect our bags and coats, Ali and I both grabbed an old fleece top of mine to wear, knowing that we’d have to be pretty quick getting home in just our running gear afterwards. At least it wasn’t raining though 🙂

I finished in 1:05:41 which wasn’t bad considering the pain I was in; that even constituted a PB for me in what was only my second 10k. We immediately re-booked for 2016!

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.”

– Alfred Wainwright

We shall see tonight: it’s been raining all day and I’m due to run home tonight. I’ve brought some small plastic bags with me tonight just in case to ensure my phones stay dry as the rucksack doesn’t claim to be waterproof (although being PU-coated ripstop nylon, it should at least be able to shrug off some rain).

Of more concern, though, are my thighs, mainly the left thigh which seems to be showing signs of an issue with one of the rectus femoris tendons being inflamed, sprained or torn: lots of pain in both thighs on Saturday but particularly when I touch the tendon area on my left one. I’ve rested them this weekend and Ibuprofen is my friend this afternoon.

Ah well! Wish me luck…

One of the issues I’ve always found with running is that by the time I’ve left the house in the morning, worked until well after 6pm and made my way home again, I don’t really fancy getting changed and heading out for a run, especially as that also means my partner won’t be eating until I get back from the run and I’ve showered/bathed (oh and uploaded my data to Garmin Connect, Fetcheveryone and MapMyRun, of course).

If it’s dry, I tend to walk home from work: just under 4km. So the conversation the other evening turned to combining the two with me running home instead. This concept – “run-commuting” – is gaining pace and a lot of people I saw on my walks home are already doing this.

Work is office based, with a strict dress code for all of us. It’s rumoured that there’s a shower on the 6th Floor in the ladies’ loos but if it is there it’s behind a combination lock! So running to work and changing once I get there isn’t an option, but as I’m usually last out, changing in my office into my running gear to run home is definitely do-able. I can leave the suit in the office and take it home the next day – I like to wear a different suit each day.

So that’s the plan that was hatched. I now just needed one or two additional bits of kit…

First off was the rucksack. I have a number of Kriega rucksacks for my motorbikes which are fabulous but probably too much and too heavy for running, plus they’re not designed for bouncing around on your back. So I did a little research and settled on an inov-8 RaceElite 16 rucksack. All I need to carry to work is my running gear and to home it’s my shoes, socks, shirt, tie, cufflinks, phones and wallet, so the 16 litre rucksack just about fits these in, along with a spare gel sachet on the strap.

inov-8 RaceElite 16

inov-8 RaceElite 16

Once packed, it’s a case of cinching up the elastic straps to hold the contents securely to prevent bounce and you’re away. The chest strap is adjustable for height and girth and the waist strap can also be tightened during the run. There’s even a hole for an accessory water pouch if you need one – I don’t – or you can fit a 500ml water bottle in each wing pocket – I don’t.

In use over the 5km route home that I’d mapped out on MayMyRun.com the bag was great with very little bounce and it kept secure. Although it’s not waterproof, it was fine for the first time when it started throwing it down around 4km (just as I was passing my house for the first time before the final 1km). Talking of which, I was pleased I’d also bought myself an Ironman “Active” running cap which kept the rain out of my eyes and as it’s vented meant I wasn’t too hot at the same time.

Ironman "Active" Running Cap

Ironman “Active” Running Cap

Sadly, I let myself down with my iPod being completely discharged: I find I run better with music than without, as it drowns out the panting of the sweaty old bloke I am! Mind you, I’d also been thinking that as I was having to cross a couple of main roads on my way home, I could probably do with something else and I found an AfterShokz Bluez 2 Bluetooth headset that works by bone conduction:

“Unlike conventional Bluetooth headphones and earbuds that use the eardrums to transmit sound, Aftershokz Bluez headphones utilize patent pending bone conduction technology to deliver sound through the listener’s cheekbones to the inner ear. This enables anyone using them to make/take phone calls and stay connected to both what they are listening to and the outside world – from warning sounds outdoors while walking or driving to a nearby colleague in an office setting.”

That way the safety aspect of being able to hear what’s going on around me can coincide with listening to music. I just hope it drowns out the panting! We’ll see when they arrive. I’ll pair them with my iPhone 6 and listen to my music from that.

Aftershokz Bluez 2 Bluetooth Bone Conduction Headphones

AfterShokz Bluez 2 Bluetooth Bone Conduction Headphones

Milton Keynes Superhero Fun Run Winner

Milton Keynes Superhero Fun Run Winner

Welcome to “Richard the Runner”. This is my blog about running.

I hate running.

I have all the gear, but no idea. I’m 52, male, called Richard (obv!) and I’ve been advised by my consultant not to run but to swim and cycle instead as one of my knees has a fair degree of necrosis.

But my bucket list has “run a marathon” on it and I’ve so far managed to enter the Berlin Marathon twice, only to pull out due to injury {sigh} in 2013 and 2014 after my then girlfriend managed a PB around 3:45 (which gave her a “good for age” entry into the London Marathon).

So I’m told I have an automatic entry into the 2015 Berlin Marathon and this is my blog to record my experiences.

Did I mention I hate running?