Time to get fit again after the crash, but I’m not allowed to run, so it’s was a recumbent bike at the Beverly Hills Hilton.
This was hard work, partly because the hotel’s gym inexplicably didn’t have water to drink, but mainly because here it’s above 5,000 feet and there’s less oxygen.
Warm today and very windy indeed. I could’ve sworn the sun was blazing despite what the weather bit says…
It’s madness, I tell you! This time I added a little climb at the end for good measure.
Mad dogs and Englishmen, and all that…
Very warm tonight and with very little time before dinner with colleagues, but at least I squeezed a 5k in … without socks, because I forgot to pack them!
More of a run/walk, really.
Tricky run this evening around the Hagaparken: chilly and a tight chest (tree pollen or asthma maybe?)
We have also bought some Garmin Index Scales which are wireless and mean we can track our weight individually direct into Garmin Connect without having to use a watch and then upload from there; much easier.
Talking of which, my weight is down 0.4kg since the start of 2019.
Cheeky 32½km ride, stopping off near the end at our favourite restaurant, Le Pont de la Tour, for champagne, oysters and cocktails before heading home.
Went to the gym before breakfast at the H1898 and found the treadmill was occupied by a walker, so whilst I waited I did a stint on the bike.
Then I was too hungry to run to far – plus Mrs RHM had finished her workout – so just a short treadmill run.