The fourth and final part: a little over marathon distance.
Our third lap and third stop.
Second part of our 42.5km ride; second stop.
Each time we stopped, my Garmin reset itself. Grr!
The weather forecast for this afternoon is a little dodgy so we decided to borrow some MTBs from the fabulous Gstaaderhof Hotel for a little venture out on bikes.
Heading to the Alps tomorrow, so thought we’d get some exercise done first (ignoring the 25km I’ve walked this week getting over the calf miuscle injury).
Damn! Making good time when my left calf muscle went (over-compensating from a sore right knee after the weekend).
Walked to work whilst it was pretty close and slightly spitting with rain, then ran home when it was very close and a lot warmer. Still feeling the effects of the summer cold.
Very windy and imminent threat of heavy rain plus I’ve come down with (yet another) summer cold. Great! But quite pleased with the run.
Weight is down ½lb since last time…
After walking 10km today, this was a run commute home; after the thunderstorm it was very humid too.