My first run since breaking my pelvis on both sides back in July and starting walking again in October.
All posts tagged holiday
Warm today and very windy indeed. I could’ve sworn the sun was blazing despite what the weather bit says…
It’s madness, I tell you! This time I added a little climb at the end for good measure.
Mad dogs and Englishmen, and all that…
Went to the gym before breakfast at the H1898 and found the treadmill was occupied by a walker, so whilst I waited I did a stint on the bike.
Then I was too hungry to run to far – plus Mrs RHM had finished her workout – so just a short treadmill run.
To celebrate being 57 years old, I decided that trying to run along La Rambla for the H1898 hotel was going to be nigh-on impossible, so I did a treadmill run before breakfast instead.
First time running in a long while and after the Christmas excess. And of course the sun came out…
After torrential rain overnight and in the morning, we went out for run around the atoll.
Yep. Still 71% humidity coming back from the gym after a 5k treadmill run.